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Vitafy, A Free-Market HealthCare

Ojash Shrestha
01 Jun 2020

Vitafy Health is a free-market healthcare platform that connects doctors, consumers and employers to high quality, personal and affordable care. The solution is built around the Direct Primary Care and Care team to help self-pay patients navigate through the complex healthcare.

Novelty Technology partnered with Vitafy to build the technology. The project started in the fall of 2015 as Healthcare Provider Directory to Vitafymed to Vitafy Health now.

Throughout the years, Novelty worked closely with Vitafy in understanding and adapting to the business to continuously deliver and innovate. The platform and the technology is built with the Salesforce model, where each module of the platform is configurable, customizable and driven by the tenant that logs into the system. It follows a multi-tenant microservices architecture for flexibility and scalability.  Vitafy Health promotes a direct cash pay model to bring simplicity, lower cost and improved quality to care. Vitafy Health offers simple and easy one click enrollment to Direct Primary Care and Healthshare programs with both credit card and ACH payment.

Check out Vitafy Health at  https://vitafyhealth.com

Ojash Shrestha
About Author

Ojash is a technology and social entrepreneur who has been in the software industry for 20+ years. He strives for simplicity. He believes that it's easy to make things complex but it's harder to make it simple.

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